From The Library

In retrospect, champions of globalization and its positive impact on economic growth, for example Thomas Friedman, for a long time believed that …

Renowned hedge-fund manager and distinguished financial author, George Soros, successfully managed to compile a series of articles and essays that he had …

 “…The kicker was that from now on, any Russian export of oil or natural gas would have to be paid for in …

‘It is only when you are close to a man that you can catch his breath’ This is one of many sayings …

“Individuals and states all over the world that took advantage of the wave of innovation flourished. Our most valued commodities have gone …

“I hope the reader gains insight and a competitive edge in an economy where it’s never been easier to be a billionaire, …

Written by John Perkins, the book narrates about the author’s personal experience as an economic hit man (EHM). He landed an opportunity …

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