
Over the years, developing countries have time and time again established financing schemes, targeting women, the youth and people with disabilities, to

On 23rd December 2021, the CBK Amendment Act 2021 empowered the Central Bank of Kenya to regulate, license, supervise and oversee operations

The production and consumption of oil as the most reliant source of energy has been a bittersweet experience globally. Dating its history

Over the years, different Regional Economic Communities in Africa have taken precedence and familiarity, with the aim of addressing social, economic and

The gig economy has experienced rapid growth patterns in recent years, owing to convenience in flexible working schedules adopted by consumers and

Many a time children are made to answer the question; what would you like to be when you grow up? Filled with

Over the years, the popularity of savings and credit societies in Kenya has seen close to 5.4 million people subscribe and deposit

The stability of the financial industry globally depends on confidence bestowed upon it by consumers of its services. Such confidence stems from

Over the years, the business model adopted by savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOs) in Kenya has placed members’ contributions in a

Recently the Kenyan Government began a drive to transform Nairobi County into a regional and potentially continental financial hub. This would mean

The rise and impact of artificial intelligence globally has been propelled by the growing demand to streamline and ease both individual and

The insurance industry plays a vital role in the development of economies. Through the years, economies have been able to use insurance

The origins of microfinance in Kenya dates back to the 1960s when microfinancing was a pilot initiative for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating

Public debt can be defined as the total sum of money owed by the national government to its creditors. Public debt is

Paragraph 10 of part II of the First Schedule of the Value Added Tax 2013 ( had exempted Insurance Agencies, insurance brokerage,

On March 11, 2020, The World Health Organization( declared SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the Covid-19 outbreak, a global pandemic. Needless to